Please click on the links below to be redirected to any of our preaching series from 2021.
- Parables -- Jesus used parables to grab our attention. Through stories He draws us in and then uses a twist to drive home an amazing truth about Himself, His Kingdom, and His followers. In this series we heard a new parable each week, inviting us to go deeper into the heart of our Savior.
- Holy Week -- Join in as we travel with the King from the triumphal entry on Palm Sunday, through the beautiful exchange of places on Maundy Thursday, to the empty tomb of Easter sunrise, and the grand news of our salvation Easter morning.
- James -- There is no area of our life that Jesus does not invite us to surrender to Him, because there is no aspect of who we are and how we live in this world that He does not delight in forming and shaping so that we mirror His goodness and glory to the world. James challenges us to look deeply at our prejudices and plans, our priorities and pressures, so all that is broken might be made whole.
- Pray for One -- Jesus, the Good Shepherd, leaves the 99 to pursue the 1 who is lost. He loves and longs for the 1. Shouldn't His followers, too? In this series, we heard the invitation to "pray for one." To make our priority Jesus's priority -- the "one" who doesn't yet know Him.
- Judges -- The book of Judges is messy. It forces us to look at the horror that is our sin and its impact in this world, in order to free us to see the hope that comes only from the one true Hero.
- Ruth -- We finished out the year in the book of Ruth. This beautiful story of how God fills our emptiness served as the backdrop for our celebration of Christ's first Advent and brought us all the way to Christmas.